Meals I've made this week

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Here are a few topics to discuss to make your life easier:


The Staples- You will figure out what items you need weekly to make your life easier! For instance, a few staple items we always have on hand are avocados, apples, strawberries, blue berries, naan pita rounds (sold by the pita chips) bagels, rotisserie chicken, and so on.

Time Management- It's tough, but it's a skill I wish I was born with! It took me a long time to get a schedule down after I had my son, and an even longer time after my daughter was born. Once they get more independent, you tend to get more freedom to do things around the house and will make cooking much easier!

Utensils-I have provided a link for the type of plates I have used for the last 4+ years and they still look great! They are from Re-play and they are durable, dishwasher safe, and recycled from old milk jugs! Also, I have included the silverware that we have used just as long as the plates!

Organic vs non-organic-There is a lot of debate on this topic and I feel like I should explain the difference. With organic, your produce is not sprayed with pesticides and is not genetically modified. So in plain terms, your produce is not sprayed with something like round up and has not been altered in a lab. However, some organic options like oatmeal still have tested positive for it. I personally use Simple Truth organic instant oatmeal because it was one of the few that tested negative. Also, wash your produce with baking soda and white vinegar. If you are not able to buy organic, this does help remove residue and pesticides. 

I will be adding more weekly recipes so stay tuned! 

Now for the meals!

These are what my kids ate this week! I have a 5 year old and 2.5 year old, and they both like different things (they like to make my life difficult) but I mostly offer them the same things! 


You will mostly see my daughter's food. My son gets up early for pre school and I am not awake enough to take pictures of what my husband makes :-)

I made sheet pan strawberry pancakes with organic maple syrup; easiest thing ever and I attached the recipe below. The recipe is from Feel good foodie and you can have different varieties of this! You can also use any pancake mix to save on time as well! Also, some scrambled cheesy eggs! 

I made Kodiak blueberry muffins the night before, with organic strawberries, blueberries and scrambled cheesy eggs! If you're interested in the recipe, I have attached it below! 

Easy morning of organic instant oatmeal with cinnamon and brown sugar, with organic strawberries and blueberries! 

My son is on spring break this week, wooohoo! That means no rushing and no grumpy kiddos! He wanted a bagel with cream cheese and my daughter wanted toast, so that's what they got! My daughter loves cheesy eggs, and avocado toast is a good way of sneaking in some extra nutrients! Also with organic strawberries and blueberries! 


This is what I call "mini pizzas." I preheat the oven to 400F degrees, take naan pita rounds, (can be found in your grocery) spread a thin layer of barbecue sauce (or pasta sauce) on each one, and sprinkle on some shredded Colby jack cheese. Bake them in the oven for 5-10 minutes until they start to brown around the edges! 
We also have sliced cucumber, avocado, and apples! Neither one of my kids like the peel on apples or cucumbers so they come off! 

Easy lunch-ham sandwich on sour dough bread with cheese! I have recently found my kids love carrots if they are raw (yay win!). And of course yummy watermelon!

Air fried dino nuggets-you can never go wrong, unless your kid is like my daughter and will eat them every once in awhile. My son ate all of it except one, you just have to pick your battles. I also made air fried sweet potato fries and sliced apples!

This lunch can be substituted more or less to fit your families needs. I started my kids early eating tuna salad and shrimp to prevent allergies and they ask for it almost everyday still! I just mix canned tuna with a little mayo, mustard and try to sneak organic cherry tomatoes in for flavor. My kids do not like tomatoes yet (I love them), but I still offer it. Also shown is sliced pears! 


We try to eat the same thing for dinner as a family. Both kids will eat what we eat (or at least try it!)

Here we have Annie's organic mac and cheese, steamed veggies, mandarin oranges , and shredded grilled barbeque chicken. 

You wouldn't think kids would love homemade chili, but they do! I have before and after pictures just to show how much they actually eat.  I make mine low sodium since my daughter is still 2, but they love it! If you're interested in the recipe, you can view it below. I also made steamed veggies, watermelon, and my son doesn't like cheese sticks but my daughter does so we improvise :-)

This was a new one-crockpot pot roast. We're trying to eat out less and this was one of those "ready made" meals we found at Aldi's. Plus crescent rolls and watermelon are always a big win in my house!

This is our go-to meal for the kids when we're in the mood for hibachi or sushi 😈 Penne pasta, spaghetti sauce, cheese of your choice, steamed veggies, and Mandarin oranges!